I am a software developer with more than 25 years of experience in industry and the academy.  I am currently working as Lead Developer for the Digital Innovation Greenhouse in the Office of Academic Innovation at the University of Michigan where I specialize in learning analytics.  I am also an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Information.

I work primarily with university innovators. You might want to contact me if you need help with data analysis or software development (I have enough experience that I consider myself “language-agnostic”, although I tend to gravitate toward Python). I can help you deal with mountains of data (“data wrangling”), the design of educational interventions (“design-based research”), user experience design (“UX”), the creation of well-designed visual representations of data (“infovis”), and the design and implementation educational technology.

Browse my portfolio, read my blog, or feel free to contact me at chris.teplovs@gmail.com.